Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: Low-Transverse C-Section & BTL

Description: Repeat low transverse cesarean section and bilateral tubal ligation (BTL). Intrauterine pregnancy at term with previous cesarean section. Desires permanent sterilization. Macrosomia.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Intrauterine pregnancy at term with previous cesarean section.

1. Desires permanent sterilization.
2. Macrosomia.

1. Desires permanent sterilization.
2. Macrosomia.
3. Status post repeat low transverse cesarean and bilateral tubal ligation.

1. Repeat low transverse cesarean section.
2. Bilateral tubal ligation (BTL).


FINDINGS: A viable female infant weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, assigned Apgars of 9 and 9. There was normal pelvic anatomy, normal tubes. The placenta was normal in appearance with a three-vessel cord.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Patient was brought to the operating room with an IV running and a Foley catheter in place, satisfactory spinal anesthesia was administered following which a wedge was placed under the right hip. The abdomen was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A Pfannenstiel incision was made and carried sharply down to the level of fascia. The fascia was incised transversely. The fascia was dissected away from the underlying rectus muscles. With sharp and blunt dissection, rectus muscles were divided in midline. The perineum was entered bluntly. The incision was carried vertically with scissors. Transverse incision was made across the bladder peritoneum. The bladder was dissected away from the underlying lower uterine segment. Bladder retractor was placed to protect the bladder. The lower uterine segment was entered sharply with a scalpel. Incision was carried transversely with bandage scissors. Clear amniotic fluids were encountered. The infant was out of the pelvis and was in oblique vertex presentation. The head was brought down into the incision and delivered easily as were the shoulders and body. The mouth and oropharynx were suctioned vigorously. The cord was clamped and cut. The infant was passed off to the waiting pediatrician in satisfactory condition. Cord bloods were taken.

Placenta was delivered spontaneously and found to be intact. Uterus was explored and found to be empty. Uterus was delivered through the abdominal incision and massaged vigorously. Intravenous Pitocin was administered. T clamps were placed about the margins of the uterine incision, which was closed primarily with a running locking stitch of 0 Vicryl with adequate hemostasis. Secondary running locking stitch was placed for extra strength to the wound. At this point, attention was diverted to the patient's tubes, a Babcock clamp grasped the isthmic portion of each tube and approximately 1-cm knuckle on either side was tied off with two lengths of 0 plain catgut. Intervening knuckle was excised and passed off the field. The proximal end of the tubal mucosa was cauterized. Cul-de-sac and gutters were suctioned vigorously. The uterus was returned to its proper anatomic position in the abdomen. The fascia was closed with a simple running stitch of 0 PDS.

The skin was closed with running subcuticular of 4-0 Monocryl. Uterus was expressed of its contents. Patient was brought to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. There were no complications. There was 600 cc of blood loss. All sponge, needle, and instrument counts were reported to be correct.

SPECIMEN: Tubal segments.

DRAIN: Foley catheter draining clear yellow urine.

Keywords: surgery, placenta, low transverse cesarean section, bilateral tubal ligation, permanent sterilization, cesarean section, intrauterine, btl, sterilization, macrosomia, uterine,